
Kylee- Blue Bird

加入 2015-08-21 01:15:27 | 長度: 3分37秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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  • I told myself that I
    Would never come back here if I flew away
    I aimed right for that sky, blue blue sky far away

    I can’t remember the sadness or misery, it hasn’t hit me but I begin to grasp the pain
    These feelings for you that I have inside of me are now changing into words

    I wake up from a dream about an unknown mysterious world
    And then I spread open my wings and take off

    I told myself that I would never come back if I flew away
    I aimed right for that sky white white clouds far away
    I believed that I could find it if I broke right through the clouds
    The farther out I go, blue blue sky far away
    Blue blue sky far away
    Blue blue sky far away

    The sound that I dislike hearing the most ended up
    Breaking that desolate, rusty, and old window
    tired of seeing that basket I threw it away
    I Won’t go looking back anymore

    My pounding heart is beating fast again I Need to take a deep breath and
    Then I’ll kick off this window and I’ll fly away

    I told myself that I could reach it if I took off and ran away
    Leading me is that voice far away far away so far away
    It was so dazzling holding hands with you baby
    The more I search the more I want blue blue sky far away

    I knew it in my heart that I would start to fall but it didn't change what I want
    I will keep on chasing the light

    I told myself that I would never come back if I flew away
    I aimed right for that sky white white clouds far away
    I believed that I could find it if I broke right through the clouds
    The farther out I go, blue blue sky far away
    Blue blue sky far away
    Blue blue sky far away